Nambithi Properties has 7 listings in Colenso and a total of 150 listings.
Listings for sale 137 Listings to rent 13Property 360 has 3 listings in Colenso and a total of 44 listings.
Listings for sale 36 Listings to rent 8
Dedekind Real Estate is the oldest and most established real estate company in Ladysmith.
Established in 1970, we have built our reputation on uncompromising honesty and integrity.
Dedekind Real Estate has 2 listings in Colenso and a total of 66 listings.
Listings for sale 48 Listings to rent 18Melelo Properties has 1 listings in Colenso and a total of 60 listings.
Listings for sale 59 Listings to rent 1
Llewellyn Pelser Snr started as an Estate Agent on 15 January 1987 thirty-six years ago this year at National Real Estate (Pty) Ltd. After 5 years at National Real Estate, he resigned as manager of the residential letting department to join Mike S...
Pelser Real Estate has 1 listings in Colenso and a total of 1223 listings.
Listings for sale 1165 Listings to rent 58