Havemann Estates has 2 listings in Carsdale and a total of 162 listings.
Listings for sale 130 Listings to rent 32Remnant Properties has 2 listings in Carsdale and a total of 205 listings.
Listings for sale 199 Listings to rent 6
About Seeff
Established 48 years ago, Seeff has grown from a small family business to having over 200 branches countrywide, and has positioned itself as one of the leading, most professional residential property companies in Southern Africa. Bu...
Seeff Richards Bay has 1 listings in Carsdale and a total of 582 listings.
Listings for sale 390 Listings to rent 192Tyson Properties Richards Bay has 1 listings in Carsdale and a total of 206 listings.
Listings for sale 175 Listings to rent 31Huizemark Zenith has 1 listings in Carsdale and a total of 139 listings.
Listings for sale 115 Listings to rent 24