This property can easily be utilised as a Factory or Warehouse.
The premises was utilised as an Autobody Repair Shop for many years, as such, the bulk of the floor has been epoxy coated. Two areas are recessed, where extraction for spray booths used to be installed until very recently. Ideal for utilising as the same application or where special slabs for a range of equipment need to be cast, and thus saving time and money, by utilising the same areas. This can be filled and levelled if needed. A dedicated area exists which was utilised as a washbay.
Cranage rails are installed along the length of the factory.
Two overhead cranes (1x6,3t and 1x3t) have been decommissioned and can be negotiated separately.
The perimeter is secured by high walls and the front by a Clearvu fence.
Access to the Factory is via three roller shutters from one side of the...
This property can easily be utilised as a Factory or Warehouse.
The premises was utilised as an Autobody Repair Shop for many years, as such, the bulk of the floor has been epoxy coated. Two areas are recessed, where extraction for spray booths used to be installed until very recently. Ideal for utilising as the same application or where special slabs for a range of equipment need to be cast, and thus saving time and money, by utilising the same areas. This can be filled and levelled if needed. A dedicated area exists which was utilised as a washbay.
Cranage rails are installed along the length of the factory.
Two overhead cranes (1x6,3t and 1x3t) have been decommissioned and can be negotiated separately.
The perimeter is secured by high walls and the front by a Clearvu fence.
Access to the Factory is via three roller shutters from one side of the building.
General upkeep of the property is good and very little maintenance is required.
The building is located a mere 440m from the Ford Manufacturing Plant.
The property is also available For Sale.
Don't hesitate to schedule a site visit.
> My stock is updated weekly, so you'll only find premises that are Actually available <
> Office Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday <
If this property does not ideally suit you, please mail me with your exact requirements. I have many more Factories / Warehouses available in the Pretoria East Industrial Area, which are not listed on the website.
My stock is updated regularly, so the chances that this is actually still available, is very good; unlike other agencies that deliberately advertise stock that is no longer available, and thereby just frustrate you.
I look forward to dealing with you.