This industrial factory to Let in Heriotdale, features 3-phase power and a small yard area . With easy in and out traffic close to the M2, N3 and CBD ideally situated for all your major routes.
It includes a mezzanine floor that can be used for light goods storage and can be removed for height to eves if needed. The main level of the property is equipped with multiple roller shutter doors that allow for efficient arrivals and dispatching.
The office space consists of a reception area, guest bathroom, and a main office. Additionally, there is a separate entrance for customers to ensure smooth access to the building.
This layout provides easy separation between office and operational areas. Located in Heriotdale, Johannesburg, the property offers practical amenities for businesses requiring space for both office use and industrial activities.
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This industrial factory to Let in Heriotdale, features 3-phase power and a small yard area . With easy in and out traffic close to the M2, N3 and CBD ideally situated for all your major routes.
It includes a mezzanine floor that can be used for light goods storage and can be removed for height to eves if needed. The main level of the property is equipped with multiple roller shutter doors that allow for efficient arrivals and dispatching.
The office space consists of a reception area, guest bathroom, and a main office. Additionally, there is a separate entrance for customers to ensure smooth access to the building.
This layout provides easy separation between office and operational areas. Located in Heriotdale, Johannesburg, the property offers practical amenities for businesses requiring space for both office use and industrial activities.
Contact me for more information, or to schedule a viewing.