Warehouse available for rent in Chamdor. The unit includes storage and work areas, offices, and on-site parking.
The space has high ceilings, multiple entry points, and areas for loading and unloading. It also offers power capacity suitable for various equipment. Offices and internal facilities are included for convenience.
Large warehouse area
Multiple access points for ease of operations
Power supply for industrial use
On-site office and facilities
Parking available for staff and visitors
Space for vehicle movement and deliveries
This unit is currently undergoing updates. Suitable for different types of business operations requiring storage, production, or distribution space.
The prices and information advertised on Property24 by Anvil Property Smith (Pty) Ltd. are subject to change without prior notice. Despite our best efforts to ensure...
Warehouse available for rent in Chamdor. The unit includes storage and work areas, offices, and on-site parking.
The space has high ceilings, multiple entry points, and areas for loading and unloading. It also offers power capacity suitable for various equipment. Offices and internal facilities are included for convenience.
Large warehouse area
Multiple access points for ease of operations
Power supply for industrial use
On-site office and facilities
Parking available for staff and visitors
Space for vehicle movement and deliveries
This unit is currently undergoing updates. Suitable for different types of business operations requiring storage, production, or distribution space.
The prices and information advertised on Property24 by Anvil Property Smith (Pty) Ltd. are subject to change without prior notice. Despite our best efforts to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee that the details, including pricing and availability, remain current or error-free due to market fluctuations and other factors. Anvil Property Smith and its agents disclaim any liability for discrepancies or inaccuracies between the advertised and actual prices. We'd like to ask potential clients to confirm the latest pricing, availability, and property details directly with our office before making any decisions or commitments. All listed amounts exclude VAT unless otherwise stated.