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Vaal River Property Trends and Statistics

Explore these market trends to see the seasonal and long term changes in property prices and sales for Vaal River.

Annual Sale and Listing Trends

This graph shows the annual number of Sales registered in the deeds office, as well as the average selling price and asking price of all Property24 listings for the same time period.

Monthly Properties For Sale

This graph shows the monthly number of properties and properties new to the market in Vaal River, as listed for sale on Property24.

Total Properties by Bedroom Count

This table shows the monthly number of properties for sale in Vaal River by number of bedrooms, as listed on Property24.

No. of Beds Mar '24 Apr '24 May '24 Jun '24 Jul '24 Aug '24
0 bed 23 22 22 21 20 18
1 bed 8 10 13 13 13 13
2 bed 239 232 223 211 206 196
3 bed 646 633 562 572 589 568
4 bed 256 256 226 219 224 222
5+ bed 119 116 112 112 118 118
Other* 401 394 369 371 378 406
All 1 692 1 663 1 527 1 519 1 548 1 541
* Other includes properties without bedrooms, such as Commercial and Vacant Land properties
Average Asking Price by Bedroom Count

This graph shows the average listing price of properties currently for sale in Vaal River by number of bedrooms, as listed on Property24.

* Other includes properties without bedrooms, such as Commercial and Vacant Land properties
Sold Erven

This graph shows the annual number of sold erven and average sold price in Vaal River, as registered in the South African Deeds office.

Sold Sectional Scheme Units

This graph shows the annual number of sold sectional scheme units and average sold price in Vaal River, as registered in the South African Deeds office.

Age Profile

This graph shows the property buying and selling trends relative to age in Vaal River, as registered in the South African Deeds office. Buyers and Sellers are those who have appeared in a registered transfer in their respective roles within the last 6 months, while owners are those who purchased their property more than 6 months ago.

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Property24 provides access to publicly available Deeds Office data in compliance with the Deeds Registries Act. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information. This data should not be used as a substitute for independent professional advice. Property24 does not make any representations about the accuracy of the data displayed and cannot be held liable for any losses suffered as a result of relying on the data.