Set in the heart of KwaZulu-Natal's serene countryside. Nestled amid rolling green hills between the Indian Ocean and the Umlalazi River. Situated on the highest part of Zini
River Estate in the charming coastal town of Mtunzini, A vision of sustainability and harmony – a true eco-estate with sustainable-living features such as solar energy and borehole water. Designed for comfortable country living, peace of mind in respect of safety and security as well as independence of municipal services, and easy access to all that the area has to offer, The Heights aims to redefine modern living.
All homes will be fitted with solar panels and gas ovens as standard, and will be supplied with borehole water. In pursuit of maintaining a light environmental footprint, an eco-friendly and o the grid wastewater treatment plant will be installed at the development that produces...
Set in the heart of KwaZulu-Natal's serene countryside. Nestled amid rolling green hills between the Indian Ocean and the Umlalazi River. Situated on the highest part of Zini
River Estate in the charming coastal town of Mtunzini, A vision of sustainability and harmony – a true eco-estate with sustainable-living features such as solar energy and borehole water. Designed for comfortable country living, peace of mind in respect of safety and security as well as independence of municipal services, and easy access to all that the area has to offer, The Heights aims to redefine modern living.
All homes will be fitted with solar panels and gas ovens as standard, and will be supplied with borehole water. In pursuit of maintaining a light environmental footprint, an eco-friendly and o the grid wastewater treatment plant will be installed at the development that produces 100% recyclable water.
Whether you’re a first-time buyer wanting to be closer to nature, looking to downsize without compromising on modern comforts and estate living, or an investment buyer, This is a chance to live or invest in a lifestyle worth living.