Discover tranquility on this enchanting farm, nestled in the peaceful countryside yet conveniently close to Randfontein, this neat, one-of-a-kind small holding has the following on offer:
- Five spacious bedrooms (BIC, and the main bedroom with a walk-in cupboard).
- Four bathrooms (Main en suite).
- Open-plan formal sitting room.
- Open-plan family room.
- Open-plan dining area - leading out on the enclosed patio.
- Sunny study / at home office.
- Tiled entrance hall.
- Bar room - leading out on the enclosed patio.
- Open-plan kitchen with modern finishes and a separate scullery.
On the outside:
- Four automated garages leading into the kitchen (Tiled).
- Immaculate garden.
- Three staff rooms and bathrooms.
- Storeroom/workshop.
- Borehole with JOJO tank and many more.
Make sure you don't miss out on this hidden gem.
Rates, taxes, levies...
Discover tranquility on this enchanting farm, nestled in the peaceful countryside yet conveniently close to Randfontein, this neat, one-of-a-kind small holding has the following on offer:
- Five spacious bedrooms (BIC, and the main bedroom with a walk-in cupboard).
- Four bathrooms (Main en suite).
- Open-plan formal sitting room.
- Open-plan family room.
- Open-plan dining area - leading out on the enclosed patio.
- Sunny study / at home office.
- Tiled entrance hall.
- Bar room - leading out on the enclosed patio.
- Open-plan kitchen with modern finishes and a separate scullery.
On the outside:
- Four automated garages leading into the kitchen (Tiled).
- Immaculate garden.
- Three staff rooms and bathrooms.
- Storeroom/workshop.
- Borehole with JOJO tank and many more.
Make sure you don't miss out on this hidden gem.
Rates, taxes, levies and ERF sizes are estimates and subject to change.