This property, situated between Riversdale and Still Bay, about 4 km from the R305. The 90 Ha of farmland is ideally suited to the rearing of livestock, for eg. cattle, sheep and horses. Diverse extra activities can be added such as thatch- and wood cutting and establishing beehives.
Eskom power is currently in use.
WATER -> 2 strong flowing springs and a boreholes (supported by 3 farm dams) supply the farm with sufficient water for animal and human use. There's 10 ha currently under irrigation.
This property has a well developed infrastructure:
1) 1 X Large 4 bedroom main house.
2) 2 X Free standing flats.
3) 1 X Workers cottage.
4) 1 X Large barn. ( with a shed/afdak)
5) 1 X Butchery and cold-room.
6) 4 X Inner camps with 70 Ha arable land.
( vat is payable )