Nestled in a small town called Sabie overlooking part of the Drakensberg mountain range, this beautifully maintained 3 bedroom 2 bathroom property is the perfect place to call home. The kitchen offers a well-equipped with a gas stove, scullery and pantry, while the lounge provides comfortable open plan layout for those relaxing moments. The property comes complete with an alarm system, water tank and private garden. A 1 bedroom flat can also be found on this premises making it ideal for any needs you may have.
Nestled in a small town called Sabie overlooking part of the Drakensberg mountain range, this beautifully maintained 3 bedroom 2 bathroom property is the perfect place to call home. The kitchen offers a well-equipped with a gas stove, scullery and pantry, while the lounge provides comfortable open plan layout for those relaxing moments. The property comes complete with an alarm system, water tank and private garden. A 1 bedroom flat can also be found on this premises making it ideal for any needs you may have.