Exclusive sole mandate. We do have a little bit of Sea View. Permanent Mountain View. About 450 metres walking distance away from the Ocean. About 400 metres walking distance away from the Gansbaai CBD - with all amenities. Perlemoenbaai is the only suburb within the broader gansbaai - where an owner in most of the cases - is allowed to put up 2 separate loose standing housing units. The new (broadened) R43 scheduled for completion by end of March 2025. 24 Bed private day hospital in the process of being built. This is by far the lowest priced Plot within Perlemoenbaai and De Kelders. The next Plot in Perlemoenbaai, is priced at R639.000. This level Plot is fenced on 2 sides.
Although this Plot is listed with Rates & Taxes of about R350 p/m, this amount refers to the pure Tax component only.