3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, flatlet and 64SQ/m double garage available for sale in Oviston on the banks of the Gariep dam. Oviston is located about 80 kms from Colesburg on the N1 between Cape Town and Bloemfontein. House would be ideal for accommodation for hunters in wintertime and fishermen.
The Oviston Nature Reserve is a 16 000 hectare protected area situated on the southern shores of the Gariep Dam in the Eastern Cape. Wildlife includes springbuck, blesbuck, mountain reedbuck, wildebeest, Burchell's zebra, gemsbuck, impala, ostrich, waterbuck, and red lechwe, as well as African wildcat, Cape clawless otter, Cape hare, cape porcupine, mongoose, and more. Activities include hiking, cruises, game viewing, and canoeing.