Albert falls Smallholding with potential engineering business.
This is a Lifestyle Smallholding within 18Kms of Pietermaritzburg one can easily commute daily. It comes with an Engineering workshop situated on the banks of the Umgeni river ,with an income generating cottage .It has pumping capacity unlimited .The expansive front lawn cascades gently down to the river's edge and it has its own fishing platform which one can also launch a boat from. It has a nearby restaurant and within close proximity of the Albert falls dam for the best bass fishing.
A Very spacious Natal farmhouse style home- with a full front veranda overlooking the river. The home is well clear of the flood line and in the recent heavy rains all was safe! It has two bedrooms, an en-suite on the main, a walk in dressing room and a communal bathroom. It is a big home and as there are two, the one...
Albert falls Smallholding with potential engineering business.
This is a Lifestyle Smallholding within 18Kms of Pietermaritzburg one can easily commute daily. It comes with an Engineering workshop situated on the banks of the Umgeni river ,with an income generating cottage .It has pumping capacity unlimited .The expansive front lawn cascades gently down to the river's edge and it has its own fishing platform which one can also launch a boat from. It has a nearby restaurant and within close proximity of the Albert falls dam for the best bass fishing.
A Very spacious Natal farmhouse style home- with a full front veranda overlooking the river. The home is well clear of the flood line and in the recent heavy rains all was safe! It has two bedrooms, an en-suite on the main, a walk in dressing room and a communal bathroom. It is a big home and as there are two, the one sitting room area could easily be divided for additional rooms. The kitchen is really well finished, neat and with plenty of cupboard space. The cottage that is rented out has a single room with shower and sitting area. The property is well burglar guarded and is on the local community watch, reaction security group.
There is a big double garage with an interleading door into the house. The engineering workshop is equipped with really sophisticated equipment and all negotiable for the prospective buyer to commence business. There are also another two properties adjacent to this one belonging to the same family that are negotiable.
Very well priced, contact me to view ASAP, especially potential engineers.