The property is situated in Slovo Park , Thabo Mbeki (Mthatha West) . The property is on the main road of the area , making traveling accessible by public transport. Taxi's will drop you off and pick you up at the main gate of the property. Making the property ideal for tenants that usually arrive late from work.
The property is approximately 10 kilometers away from the Mthatha CBD. The property has 10 flats with an occupation of 5 tenants at the present moment.
The property can potentially be generating an income of R 18000,00 per month however the property is currently generating R 9000 per month
The property consists of :
- 4 water tanks (5000 litres)
- plumbing system
- Septic tank system
- Geyser
- showers
This property is ideal for an experienced rental property investor.