This fully operational cattle farm embraces an area of 4,143 hectares that boast sought-after topography, pristine vegetation and an ambience that exceeds expectations. It is impossible to absorb the magnificence of this land, and at every turn one finds a view filled with surprises.
Located off the road between Steysburg and Molteno, the farming enterprise is easily accessible. The 50 inner camps are divided into 2 sections – the plateau areas provide summer grazing, and the sweeter slopes and valleys are for winter grazing. Seasonal rivulets awaken an appreciation for the gift of crystal-clear, unpolluted water to man, fauna and flora. About 30 earth dams, windmills and solar pumps secure a constant water supply to livestock and indigenous game.
Both summer and winter rainfall occur in this area. The long-term average is approximately 550 mm per annum. The...
This fully operational cattle farm embraces an area of 4,143 hectares that boast sought-after topography, pristine vegetation and an ambience that exceeds expectations. It is impossible to absorb the magnificence of this land, and at every turn one finds a view filled with surprises.
Located off the road between Steysburg and Molteno, the farming enterprise is easily accessible. The 50 inner camps are divided into 2 sections – the plateau areas provide summer grazing, and the sweeter slopes and valleys are for winter grazing. Seasonal rivulets awaken an appreciation for the gift of crystal-clear, unpolluted water to man, fauna and flora. About 30 earth dams, windmills and solar pumps secure a constant water supply to livestock and indigenous game.
Both summer and winter rainfall occur in this area. The long-term average is approximately 550 mm per annum. The carrying capacity is 1:7.5 LSU, in terms of the official long-term grazing capacity norms.
This farming enterprise offers a diverse topographical layout of hills, vast flat plains, undulating hills, and a dry river. This topography supports the diversity of vegetation with mostly various palatable grasses, a variety of edible shrubs, and trees. Due to this balanced habitat system, there is a perfect balance in terms of diversity in naturally available fodder for grazers, and trees along the rivers and in the valleys, for browsers.
The proud owner has renewed and upgraded the farming enterprise to its full potential to easily farm with a minimum of 500 cattle. An entire infrastructure for supporting a lucrative, economically viable farming enterprise is in place, and is in good repair. It consists of:
• A comfortable homestead surrounded by mature gardens
• 26-hectare irrigation system, utilizing centre Pivot and Perma sets
• 74-hectare drylands
• 180,000 cub. metres earth storage dam with 146,680 cub. metres registered water usage rights
• Various sheds and outbuildings
• Functional cattle handling facilities
• The immovable property consists of 6 adjacent title deeds
All fences are in a well-kept condition due to proper maintenance and regular inspections.
A network of good roads and tracks are spread throughout the farm.
The complete property can easily be transformed into an ideal game reserve.
For sale as a going concern at R25,5 million excluding VAT. If necessary, the owner is prepared to consider a lease or a mortgage bond.