Nestled in the heart of this village, this seaside stand offers a picturesque setting for a lovely family home or a holiday cottage. The property seamlessly merges with the village's inviting atmosphere, creating a perfect blend of community and tranquillity. From the elevated point, the plot descends gracefully, providing natural contours that can be used to enhance the architectural design of your future home. The land is covered in greenery and trees where you will find an abundance of bird life and small animals. Imagine waking up to the soft murmur of the little stream at the bottom of the property, with panoramic views of the conservancy visible from your windows and terraces. The location boasts easy access to the main R61 road, ensuring convenient connectivity while preserving the peaceful ambiance of village life.
Among Leisure Bay's best features are...
Nestled in the heart of this village, this seaside stand offers a picturesque setting for a lovely family home or a holiday cottage. The property seamlessly merges with the village's inviting atmosphere, creating a perfect blend of community and tranquillity. From the elevated point, the plot descends gracefully, providing natural contours that can be used to enhance the architectural design of your future home. The land is covered in greenery and trees where you will find an abundance of bird life and small animals. Imagine waking up to the soft murmur of the little stream at the bottom of the property, with panoramic views of the conservancy visible from your windows and terraces. The location boasts easy access to the main R61 road, ensuring convenient connectivity while preserving the peaceful ambiance of village life.
Among Leisure Bay's best features are its three fabulous beaches that are shark-protected and staffed by lifeguards. Several minutes’ drive away is the Port Edward business area, where most day-to-day commodities can be purchased. The Wild Coast casino and Umtamvuma Nature reserve are close by as well as is Beaver Creek Coffee Farm.