"Nestled in the heart of La Lucia, this immaculately presented family home offers a harmonious blend of comfort and elegance. Featuring six spacious bedrooms, including three en-suite, and five generous reception rooms, this residence is ideal for both relaxation and entertaining. The gourmet kitchen is a chef's dream, while the expansive covered verandah provides the perfect space for outdoor gatherings. All this is set within a beautifully manicured, level garden, offering a serene retreat. Don’t miss the opportunity to view this exceptional home—call now for a private showing."
"Nestled in the heart of La Lucia, this immaculately presented family home offers a harmonious blend of comfort and elegance. Featuring six spacious bedrooms, including three en-suite, and five generous reception rooms, this residence is ideal for both relaxation and entertaining. The gourmet kitchen is a chef's dream, while the expansive covered verandah provides the perfect space for outdoor gatherings. All this is set within a beautifully manicured, level garden, offering a serene retreat. Don’t miss the opportunity to view this exceptional home—call now for a private showing."