Cash Crop, Sugarcane and Macadamia Farm For Sale
This Full production Cash Crop and Sugarcane farm is situated near Komatipoort.
Irrigation from the Komati River and a 20Ha Dam of 600,000 cubic meters of water on the Farm with water allocation of 139Ha.
180Ha Of the farm is in full Production.
110Ha Sugarcane and 70Ha Cash Crops of which 3Ha is under shade nets protection.
30Ha Planted with 1 Year to 2 year Macadamia.
Fully operational packhouse that was enlarged to handle the demand for the cash crops.
Camera system in the office gives full control over packhouse.
Seedling Nursery, Workshops, Staff Accommodation, Storerooms, Large Office and 2 houses.
The farm is being sold as on going concern and the price excludes Vat.
Contact me for more information.