Amidst the bustling city of Pinetown, nestled in a serene place, a well-maintained complex, in the heart of highland hills, lies a charming simplex that beckons with comfort and tranquility.
The unit is cozy and spacious, which can be an ideal investment opportunity, for the avid investor or your starter home.
No hassle when going away for the weekends lock up and go, without the hassle of thinking of security.
This commodious three-bedroom with BIC's master bedroom with an en-suite. One family bathroom. Open plan kitchen and dining area leads onto the covered scullery. The family lounge has a separate entrance to the open space garden, with a manicured lawn.
The unit comes with a single garage and one open parking space.
Closely situated to Benjamin Pine Primary, Sarnia Primary School and not forgetting sought-after Birches...
Amidst the bustling city of Pinetown, nestled in a serene place, a well-maintained complex, in the heart of highland hills, lies a charming simplex that beckons with comfort and tranquility.
The unit is cozy and spacious, which can be an ideal investment opportunity, for the avid investor or your starter home.
No hassle when going away for the weekends lock up and go, without the hassle of thinking of security.
This commodious three-bedroom with BIC's master bedroom with an en-suite. One family bathroom. Open plan kitchen and dining area leads onto the covered scullery. The family lounge has a separate entrance to the open space garden, with a manicured lawn.
The unit comes with a single garage and one open parking space.
Closely situated to Benjamin Pine Primary, Sarnia Primary School and not forgetting sought-after Birches Pre-Primary and your favorite eating outlets. Easy access to the N
Easy access to the N3/ M13/M7
Don't procrastinate give Vanessa a call for a personal viewing