40 hectare (100 acre) foresty planation for sale situated in Ixopo Rural between Highflats and Umzimkulu. This farm is used solely for timber forestry. Farm comprises of 2 separately registered adjacent sub-divisions. 20ha of the property, yielding aproximately 1,000 tons timber is contracted to an international paper company in terms of a long term growers agreement ending in 2035. A further 20ha is currently under application for registration subject to approvals and consents being obtained. Timber cultivation, maintenance and harvesting is undertaken by the paper company, and such costs are deducted when the timber is delivered to the paper mill. Fire brakes are maintained by the paper company in terms of the agreement. This property generates a passive long term income for the land owner. Survey plans are available to demarcate the portion of the paper forest...
40 hectare (100 acre) foresty planation for sale situated in Ixopo Rural between Highflats and Umzimkulu. This farm is used solely for timber forestry. Farm comprises of 2 separately registered adjacent sub-divisions. 20ha of the property, yielding aproximately 1,000 tons timber is contracted to an international paper company in terms of a long term growers agreement ending in 2035. A further 20ha is currently under application for registration subject to approvals and consents being obtained. Timber cultivation, maintenance and harvesting is undertaken by the paper company, and such costs are deducted when the timber is delivered to the paper mill. Fire brakes are maintained by the paper company in terms of the agreement. This property generates a passive long term income for the land owner. Survey plans are available to demarcate the portion of the paper forest which falls under this erf. The property does have access to Eskom electricity and municipal dam water although this is currently not used. Sale of property out of a deceased estate therefore offer is subject to final acceptance by the Master of the High Court. Site is not fenced.