Lomuzi muhle, use BB. I main house inamakamelo avulekile amathathu, ama bathrooms amabili, ikhishi elinamakhabethe amahle, line lounge, dining room Kanye ne carport.
Umuzi wonke unama aluminium windows, Kanye nama buglar guards. Ngaphandle kunama out buildings amathathu. Eyokuqala inama rooms amabili, eyesibili ine room eyodwa, eyesithathu ayikaqedwa ukwakhiwa, kodwa ina 2 rooms and the bathroom.
Igceke lalomuzi, likhulu kakhulu, kanti futhi li flat.
Henwood and Katz Real Estate (Pty) Ltd t/a RE/MAX Midlands. A franchise of RE/MAX of Southern Africa.