Look what just hit the market. This house can generate an income for you while you live there to enjoy your home. On entering the main house you have a glorious open-plan kitchen/living room area. This is ideal for entertaining. The island has a gas hob so no need to turn your back on your company you can be part of the conversation. The scullery is hidden to the furthest end of the kitchen and the best part of the kitchen is it comes with a walk-in pantry. The living area has an inside braai so every day is braai day with a view. The main house has two bedrooms. The main bedroom has lots of cupboard space and an immaculate view complemented by an en-suite. Spare bathroom for your guests and an additional bedroom with lots of cupboard space. On to the front porch is an additional door leading to a room currently being used to air BnB ideal for an extra income or if...