Once upon a time I was merely a Mom. Playing Golf and teaching aerobics when my late husband - owner of a family Real Estate Company in Krugersdorp, South Africa thought it was time for me to contribute more to the economy. One of the Agents who has been in in the industry for a good few year offered to take me under her wing, she was the most superb Matronly partner who taught me everything I know! Well, that was 35 years ago and so much has changed! The family business became a franchise of one of the BIG PLAYERS in the industry and went ahead in leaps and bounds. We Sold that Franchise to move to Knysna in 2000 where I have continued to operate in this beautiful, beautiful part of the Globe and I joined Sothebys, Knysna in 2004. From doing everything by hand before cell phones and computers, I have had to learn to not be a dinosaur, thanks to the patience of my...
Once upon a time I was merely a Mom. Playing Golf and teaching aerobics when my late husband - owner of a family Real Estate Company in Krugersdorp, South Africa thought it was time for me to contribute more to the economy. One of the Agents who has been in in the industry for a good few year offered to take me under her wing, she was the most superb Matronly partner who taught me everything I know! Well, that was 35 years ago and so much has changed! The family business became a franchise of one of the BIG PLAYERS in the industry and went ahead in leaps and bounds. We Sold that Franchise to move to Knysna in 2000 where I have continued to operate in this beautiful, beautiful part of the Globe and I joined Sothebys, Knysna in 2004. From doing everything by hand before cell phones and computers, I have had to learn to not be a dinosaur, thanks to the patience of my colleagues to whom I am indebted to for life.