Nokuphiwa Mlambo is a God-fearing woman, wife, and mother, driven by her career and belief in education. With 6 years at Seeff Richards Bay she specialises in Birdswood, Veld en Vlei, and Wilde en Weide areas. She holds a degree in She entered real estate to bless people's lives, helping them find dream homes while securing her family's future. The joy in children's eyes when they step into new homes brings her fulfillment, as does the younger generation investing in family homes and properties. In 5 years, Nokuphiwa envisions becoming a full-status property practitioner, holding a business management qualification, and owning a minimum of 5 investment properties.
Nokuphiwa Mlambo is a God-fearing woman, wife, and mother, driven by her career and belief in education. With 6 years at Seeff Richards Bay she specialises in Birdswood, Veld en Vlei, and Wilde en Weide areas. She holds a degree in She entered real estate to bless people's lives, helping them find dream homes while securing her family's future. The joy in children's eyes when they step into new homes brings her fulfillment, as does the younger generation investing in family homes and properties. In 5 years, Nokuphiwa envisions becoming a full-status property practitioner, holding a business management qualification, and owning a minimum of 5 investment properties.