After getting my B Com in logistics at RAU, I moved to
London, and embarked on a successful career in
stockbroking. After the market crash in the early
2000's, I found my niche as a property fund manager.
I enjoyed a very successful career selling top London
properties, and was fortunate enough to deal with
many international buyers, allowing me to travel and
negotiate deals around the world. In early 2006, while
waiting for a flight, I picked up the book The Monk
who Sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma, and this became
a turning point in my life.
I immediately resigned from my job in London to live
with my core values - family, health, and happiness, all
of which I realized could be found in South Africa.
My mottos in life are 'Streams make rivers', and
'Persistence beats resistance'. I am passionate about
family and property, and my goal in life is to help
others. ...
After getting my B Com in logistics at RAU, I moved to
London, and embarked on a successful career in
stockbroking. After the market crash in the early
2000's, I found my niche as a property fund manager.
I enjoyed a very successful career selling top London
properties, and was fortunate enough to deal with
many international buyers, allowing me to travel and
negotiate deals around the world. In early 2006, while
waiting for a flight, I picked up the book The Monk
who Sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma, and this became
a turning point in my life.
I immediately resigned from my job in London to live
with my core values - family, health, and happiness, all
of which I realized could be found in South Africa.
My mottos in life are 'Streams make rivers', and
'Persistence beats resistance'. I am passionate about
family and property, and my goal in life is to help
"A burning sense of passion is the most potent fuel for
your dreams." - Robin S. Sharma