Plots of 400sqm at St Helena Views can be had for about R300k.
All homes within the estate have to be built in accordance with certain architectural guidelines, but these, says developer Gert Joubert, do not restrict owners to one style as they do on certain of his other developments.
"The aim at St Helena Views is simply to ensure that the development is appropriate to the West Coast which, as we all know, has its own ambience and feel. For this reason Cape Cod with fibre cement claddings are favoured, but other types of design are also acceptable. Our intention has simply been to see that all homes are of a satisfactory quality and standard and are reasonably traditional. What we definitely do not want is a single home here or there standing out like a sore thumb in a project that, for obvious reasons, has proved very popular indeed with buyers. It is our duty now to see that the estate evolves as promised, thereby adding year-by-year (y/y) to the value of every home in it."
For more information contact Gert Joubert on 021 914 1303 or send an email.
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