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Inexpensive ideas for dated kitchen countertops

19 Jun 2024

Renovating or giving the kitchen a makeover has always been a top priority and even more so now with the internet making it even more accessible for you to get ideas and tips for doing your own countertops.

There are blogs and sites devoted to ideas for using countertop kits and paint to give kitchen countertops a new look. There is also the solution for using mosaic or tiles to cover kitchen countertops. And while these ideas are great, they still cost quite a bit of money to do.

Home-Dzine offers an easy and inexpensive solution for your kitchen countertops, one that should only take about an hour or so to complete and won't cost you an arm or a leg. Plus, you get to choose from a selection of designs for your kitchen.

READ: Modern kitchen countertops: Sleek, natural and low maintenance

How to Apply Self-Adhesive Vinyl or Paper

This has to be the easiest and quickest way to give kitchen countertops a new look, but it needs to be installed properly if you want it to last. Follow these instructions for proper installation of both self-adhesive vinyl and paper.

  • Countertops must be cleaned to remove all grease and grime as this will not allow the vinyl to stick properly to the surface.
  • Make sure that the countertops are dry.
  • Start at one end of the countertop and line up the edge of the roll with this.
  • It is important that you roll on straight from the start or you will need to repeat the entire process.
  • Peel back a corner of the backing and slowly roll this away underneath as you press the film onto the surface. Use a dense sponge to smooth away any trapped air, working from the centre outwards to the sides.
  • If you need to, you can lift up the vinyl and re-situate it if there are too many bubbles or wrinkles.
    Where there is a join, line up a new section so that the seam is almost invisible.
  • Ensure that the edges are pressed down firmly.
  • Trim away any excess with a sharp craft or utility knife.


Care for Vinyl-Wrapped Kitchen Countertops

It is important to keep in mind that you now have vinyl-wrapped countertops and these need to be treated with as much care as if they were painted. Follow the tips below to extend the life of your new countertops.

  • Use chopping blocks or always use cutting boards.
  • Do not put hot items directly onto the vinyl finish.
  • Make sure that all edges are firmly secured.
  • The countertops must be cleaned beforehand to remove all traces of grease and grime.
  • Surfaces must be absolutely dry before application.
  • Avoid any sharp items or items that may scratch the finish.
  • Line up the edges for a seamless finish


READ: Updating your kitchen? 5 latest trends to keep in mind

Where can you use self-adhesive vinyl, film or paper

Self-adhesive vinyl film or paper is not only great for kitchen countertops but you can use it on a variety of - cleaned - surfaces. Use on cupboards and cabinets for an instant update, apply to bathroom counters or dress up doors. It is versatile and affordable when compared to other solutions.

READ: Easy DIY: How to transform your kitchen with paint and wallpaper

In previously published article Eugène Jordaan, Principal at Leapfrog Moreleta Park, advised that a few savvy adjustments, creative considerations and smart planning can make the kitchen the most loved space in the home:

Prep and plan

As with most home renovations, the available budget tends to dictate the scope of the project.

“Start by listing everything you would like to change, determine the cost of the line items on the wish list, and then work backwards from there, dividing the list into the essential must-dos and the nice-to-haves,” recommends Jordaan.

If you’re worried about overcapitalising, speak to a trusted property advisor who will be able to share useful insights with you about what sort of value your improvements will add to your property in the medium to long run.

When planning your new kitchen, bear in mind that practicality is key in a kitchen. Think about how you use the space and how the flow, organisation and aesthetic could make it a more pleasant place to work and play.

“Too often you see kitchens where the coffee things are on the side opposite to where the kettle is. By simply moving it closer you’re enhancing the space in a subtle, but very important way,” says Jordaan.

If your budget is limited and you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck, it would be wise to not make any major structural changes, such as moving the plumbing and breaking walls, but to rather focus on improvements that refresh the look and feel.

Social circle

Gone are the days where the kitchen was a secret compartment that led off from the dining room.

Kitchens today are hubs of social activity, and need to be designed to match both our social and culinary needs.

If this is true of your kitchen (and lifestyle), plan and renovate accordingly. This could mean adding a centre island, if space allows, or lengthening the counter to allow for more people to sit at it. “It may also simply mean moving the appliances that you don’t use every day to make room for more social activities around the counter,” adds Jordaan.

Counter offers

Speaking of counters, if your budget doesn’t allow for a massive aesthetic overhaul but you’re desperate to update the look, consider just replacing the countertops. “The countertops are the first thing that catches our eye in the kitchen and tends to dominate the look and feel of the space,” says Jordaan. If the cupboards and fittings are in good condition, simply replacing the countertops with something more contemporary could make a world of difference, without costing the earth.

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