According to the 2015/2016 Crime Statistics report released by Statistics South Africa, trends over the last few years show that criminal activity usually peaks during June and July. On the bright side, though, after this month, the worst is behind us and the lowest crime month (November) is still to come.
“Criminal activity is a major concern for all homeowners. For those who are looking for the best place to purchase investment properties, crime stats can provide a useful tool for predicting the upward growth trend in property values. New crime stats by Stats SA are expected to be released in September 2018. Investors would do well to keep an eye out for that report,” says Adrian Goslett, Regional Director and CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa.
In the meanwhile, there are various other resources available to the general public that help provide an indication of how the current criminal landscape might look. According to Crime Stats SA, the worst precinct in 2017 for residential burglaries reported in the last six months was found in Mpumalanga. Four precincts in Gauteng made the top 10 crime capitals, and two belonged to KwaZulu-Natal.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Stats SA’s Victims of Crime Survey (VOCS) 2016/2017 revealed that Limpopo experienced the lowest rate of household crimes compared to any other province. The Free State followed closely behind its 5.4% with just 5.7% of households having experienced crime during the 2016/2017 period. In contrast to Crime Stats data, the Western and Eastern Cape shared the number one spot for the highest percentage of household crime at 9% - a full 2% above the national average.
However, the report also revealed that across the board, overall household crime has decreased over the 2013 to 2017 period - a trend which hopefully will continue into 2018.
“Safety is one of the biggest concerns for buyers across our nation. Even if your property is located in a low crime area, safety features can do a great deal towards adding value to any property. If you’re unsure of the crime stats in your suburb, speak to a reputable local agent who can inform you on property trends and statistics in your area,” says Goslett.