The Bedworth Centre Builders Warehouse is the only Builders Warehouse in the region – with the nearest being at The Glen in the South of Joburg.
There is even more to come with further phases already in the planning.
Flanagan & Gerard Property Development and Investment and Moolman Group jointly acquired the Bedworth Park Pick n Pay Hypermarket in Vereeniging, located on the corner of Ascot-on-Vaal and the R44, in late 2008.
Shortly afterwards the new owners announced their intention to expand the existing centre by adding some 15,000sqm of retail space, which together with the 20,000sqm existing Pick ‘n Pay on a 15-year lease, will bring the total size of the redeveloped centre to 35,000sqm.
This particular Builders Warehouse branch includes a number of the retailer’s initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. It has been built with enhanced designs made to reduce power consumption with a water saving component.
T5 fluorescent lights have been used in fixture lighting and rainwater will be captured from the roof gutters and stored in tanks to be used for the Garden Centre. In addition, an existing borehole on site will also be used for the Garden Centre’s irrigation.
Working together with the owners’ expansion, Pick n Pay introduced their revamped and upgraded store to the public in late 2009.
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